Puzzles Production
Lijia Game Production is also one of the biggest puzzle manufacturers in Chinese mainland specializing in the production of quality Jigsaw Puzzles. We produce and offer a wide variety of standard sizes and piece counts, bring your own die line to cut your own puzzles, or freely use our in-house die lines while offering professional service at competitive prices.
Owning enough 300 tons and 500 tons diecutting pressing equipment, automatic box & cover forming machines, automatic seal wrapping and shrink wrapping machines, etc. veteran workers, we can meet your any needs of Jagsaw Puzzles manufacturing.
We believe that successful communication between manufacturers and clients must be based on reliability, honesty and real professionalization. It's very important part of producing a best selling product and we work with you every step of the way to ensure you get the best possible products for your marketing and selling.
If you currently sell or plan to sell Jigsaw Puzzles, and would like to pursue manufacturing, please don't hesitate to contact us by CLICK HERE.
If the items displayed here have copywright and IP, we cannot reproduce and sell without the consent of the rights holder, we only express our manufacturing and development expertise in the field of game manfuacturing.
Since 1995, Lijia Game Production has become China's first-class contract game manufacturer......
supplying full service of product development and industrial manufacturing service for board games, card games, miniature games, RPG, dice, tokens, coins, accessories, everything involved in game industry.
How to Use Print Fctory
problem? How to create a professional board game? How does it work? What is the best way to print your board game? Contact Lijia Games!
Lijia Game is a major manufacturer and printing company in the gaming industry, so we have all the equipment and expertise acquired over the past 25 years to produce all your board game needs to the highest industry standards.
Use your own artistic graphics for all the elements of your game-boards, cards, game pieces and more! Please Fo넶229 2022-10-24
The Demand for Board Games is Growing
Board games and card games have always been one of the greatest activities of bringing families and friends. The demand for board games is always growing these years.
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